Thursday, March 20, 2014

Week two starts of with a bang.

Week two of Information Security class and Slashdot reports Malware Attack Infected 25,000 Linux/UNIX Servers.

Security researchers from ESET have identified an attack campaign that has infected more than 25,000 Linux and Unix servers. The servers are being hijacked by a Trojan horse. ESET is calling the attack “Operation Windigo”

For a long time, many people believed viruses and malware were only a Windows issue. However over the years people have come to the conclusion that Windows devices are not the only thing you need to worry about.

In other news, Google made Gmail exclusively HTTPS. Gmail now requires HTTPS and all email will be sent encrypted. They have always supported HTTPS and in 2010 they made it the default, but until this week it was not mandatory. This ensures all messages are encrypted while they transverse their servers and through datacenters.

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